Women's Walking Group

Did you know there is a new gang in our neighborhood?  Maybe you have seen them patrolling their "turf" of Triunfo and Lobo Canyons..  They are recruiting new members as speak.. Below is a picture of this ruthless bunch.  

Meet the TLC Women's Walkabout Crew!  :-)  They are a fun loving group looking for some conversation, a little exercise and good times!  They meet regularly every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30pm at the corner of Triunfo and Lobo and are looking for more members to join.  Just show up with your water bottle, smile, and maybe bring your favorite 4 legged friend along too.  Hope you can join us!

TLC Women's Walkabout Crew

TLC Women's Walkabout Crew


Arizona Crossing Dangers


Brush clearing works..