Meet your representatives
The Triunfo/Lobo Canyon Board is comprised of 7 elected members of the community. Elections to the Board are held every year at the Annual Summer Party, and Board members are elected to a 2 year term. 50% of the Board turns over every year.
Amir Mardani
I grew up in a place where open natural space was plentiful, and I always wanted my children to experience the same freedom. For the past eleven years, we’ve been privileged to call this part of the magnificent Santa Monica Mountains our home.
Since then, this place has become more than a home or community–it is a part of me. I feel compelled to make it the best it can be for our todays while preserving it for our tomorrows.
I have resided in Southern California since I was twelve. I have an engineering degree and have worked at both public and private sectors – Rocketdyne, Metropolitan Water District, City of Oxnard (to name a few). For the past 20 years, my company has been providing consulting and management services.
I would like to apply my expertise to improve the egress/ingress of Kanan/Triunfo Canyon Rd. I would use my experience to bring local decision-making that meets the needs of the residents, closer to home, and making sure every voice is heard.
I’d be honored to have the opportunity to bring our hearts and interactions closer to each other, though our houses may not be close in distance.
General Inquiries
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