Since 1985, we have led the effort to create a beautiful place to live, protect the environment, create a bond of friends and neighbors, and lead in the efforts to stand up for our rights as a community.
Our Mission
The objectives of this Association shall be to establish a Board of Directors, and working together, the Board and Association shall promote and protect the interests and welfare of the Residents and Property owners of the TLC; encourage orderly development; maintain the rural character of the area; and where possible, assist other associations in our general area with similar objectives.
Some historical achievements
Miller Corner Bus Stop
New and enhanced signage on Triunfo
Fighting with the road department for proper visual clearance on exiting of Triunfo Canyon on to Kanan Road
Continued communication with the Sheriff Dept, Planning, Enforcement and other government agencies regarding our community.
The Fire Early Warning System
Fighting for our property rights against unfair ordinances
Worked closely with regional planning to make sure nap addressed our concerns for our canyon
Working the planning and the community Protect Our Canyons regarding the Event Venues